Sunday, April 02, 2006

Here Today

This book is called Here Today and is written by Ann. M. Martin and is 320 pages long. This book is about an 11 year old girl growing up in the 1960's. Eleanor Roosevelt Dingman's mother is soo concentrated on making it big time on the big screen. She is so busy on focusing on her career rather than taking care of her own kids. Eleanor feels like her mom doesn't even notice her. Eleanor's mom hardly even cares about her kids. She even makes them call her by her real name, Doris. Ellie also lives in a neighborhood which is being vandalized, and kids at Ellie's school taunt all of the kids from the neighborhood. The kids have to band together. Ellie's best friend is Holly, who is her neighbor. When strange things start to happen in the girl's life it seems like it is all over and that is will fall apart. But does Ellie have the strength to pull through even though things are really rough? Well the answer is simple as you all know, READ IT.

I loved this book. It kept me captivated throughout the whole thing! I read it cover to cover and lent it to all of my friends. And they all read it cover to cover and all loved it, just like me. I love the way Ann M. Martin can bring the story to life, even when the setting is in the 1960's. I loved hearing of Eleanor's life and all of her struggles. Its not that I enjoy people's struggles, but it was a very well written book. Very magical. I think anybody would enjoy this book and it doesn't take too much to sit down and read it. Well worth my time, as well as yours!



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