Monday, March 27, 2006

The Hobbit

The Hobbit is written by J.R.R. Tolkien. It is 303 pages long (at least my copy was).
It is about Bilbo Baggins (he is the Hobbit) and his adventure that Gandolf has summoned him on. He is sent with 13 dwarves/elves to get their special cup back from a dragon's lair in the mountain. But of course no journey gets to go smoothly as planned. So If you like fantasy books (Blech) then you might like this one. If you don't, then stay far FAR AWAY!!

I personally did NOT like this book. I absolutely HATE most fantasy books. I like the books that make you think or books that could happen in real life. Those are my favorites. I found this book hard to finish and extremely BOR-ing. But I had to read this one for school So what's a girl to do. But I will let you decide whether you will like this one or not. This is a book that depends on who you are.


If any of you bloggers know how to show pictures on a blog please tell me how. I cant quite figure it out.


Blogger Susan said...

Stop by the library and I'll show you... it's a piece of cake!

8:29 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

I remember having to read The Hobbit when I was in school. And like you, I remember thinking then that is was a pretty long-winded book. Though I know a bunch of people who love The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

The Hobbit did however leave me a fond memory. For a school project, we had to get in groups and come up with a song for the book. To make a long story short, it was I who was selected to wear shoes on his knees and sunglasses whilst portraying Bilbo as he rapped, yes rapped, about dwarves and orcs and such. Just be glad you didn't have to do somehting like that! If only I still had the tape of that...

6:19 PM  

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