Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Ha ha ha, nope sorry folks no puns intended. This book is actually called Perfect. Perfect is written by Natasha Friend and is 232 pages. ( Soft Cover- don't really know how much of a difference the cover makes, but just in case you wanted to know)

Perfect is about a girl named Isabelle who is 13 years old. Her dad died 2 years earlier. The story starts when Isabelle's sister catches her with her finger down her throat throwing up. And of course as all little siblings do, she runs to mom. So now Isabelle is going to group therapy for girls with eating disorders. But when the meeting starts, in walks the most popular girl in school, Ashley Barnum. This book is more than just group therapy. Its Isabelle dealing with her loss of her dad, finding friends, and what her heart feels.

O.K. you are all probably thinking why on earth are you reading a book like this. Well because it looked good. And it is good! I think that this book will probably attract more of the teen girl crowd. But I have to say I enjoyed this book thoroughly and read it in about a day. But that's not unusual for me when I find I book that I really enjoy. And I think that you will enjoy this book too! So if you like teen girl lit. or think this might be a book you would like. Read It!!

This book also shows that "Perfect" or what/who you think is "Perfect" is not always what it seems. And that perfect not always is.



Blogger Susan said...

Hey Becca. If you liked Perfect, you might like the book The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things. I know, I know the title pretty funny, but the book deals with body issues, and some tough family stuff. It's by Carolyn Mackler.

9:23 PM  

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