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Wednesday, March 29, 2006


RX is a novel by Tracy Lynn as you can see. It is 260 pages long. The print is smaller than it seems and took me about 3 days to read (but mind you I do have to go to school, and do homework). K-Susan you can go ahead and read it; I am done. Oh yeah and mark the score board for me, I finally found one!

This book is about a girl named Thyme (like the spice) Gilcrest and this book follows her through her Junior and Senior years in high school. Thyme is an above-average girl. She is an honors' student, is in the National Honors Society, serves on the Student Council, tries her best to be liked, and is sort of popular, and somehow along the lines she finds herself as a drug dealer. She finds herself dealing OxyContin and Paxil, and she evens becomes a regular Ridalin user. She finds that she enjoys doing this, until something happens and she realizes that she needs to stop. I'm not going to tell you what that thing is, because you need to read it to find out.

I personally liked this book. But I don't agree with drugs, just clearing the air here folks. It is a book that will leave you feeling happy for the most part. I personally was a little mad at the end. It didn't clear enough things as I was hoping. But I am assuming that that is because there will be sequel. No I do not know this for sure, but I sure hope there is to tie up the loose strings. If not, it does leave a few un-knowns. It is however a book that you will read once, and it will probably be enough for a little while. I wouldn't call this a book that you would want to read over and over and over--Like a Corner Of the Universe, or The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants. But it is a good read, don't take me wrong.

But I do have to warn you in advance if you are one of those people who do not tolerate any swearing of any kind in books. You might want to steer clear of this one if you don't like cussing. It cusses probably a couple times every couple of pages. Most of which were a little un-necessary, but it did portray this girl's life very well. That's the kind of language that surrounds her everyday. But if you don't like it, don't read it.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Ha ha ha, nope sorry folks no puns intended. This book is actually called Perfect. Perfect is written by Natasha Friend and is 232 pages. ( Soft Cover- don't really know how much of a difference the cover makes, but just in case you wanted to know)

Perfect is about a girl named Isabelle who is 13 years old. Her dad died 2 years earlier. The story starts when Isabelle's sister catches her with her finger down her throat throwing up. And of course as all little siblings do, she runs to mom. So now Isabelle is going to group therapy for girls with eating disorders. But when the meeting starts, in walks the most popular girl in school, Ashley Barnum. This book is more than just group therapy. Its Isabelle dealing with her loss of her dad, finding friends, and what her heart feels.

O.K. you are all probably thinking why on earth are you reading a book like this. Well because it looked good. And it is good! I think that this book will probably attract more of the teen girl crowd. But I have to say I enjoyed this book thoroughly and read it in about a day. But that's not unusual for me when I find I book that I really enjoy. And I think that you will enjoy this book too! So if you like teen girl lit. or think this might be a book you would like. Read It!!

This book also shows that "Perfect" or what/who you think is "Perfect" is not always what it seems. And that perfect not always is.


Monday, March 27, 2006

The Hobbit

The Hobbit is written by J.R.R. Tolkien. It is 303 pages long (at least my copy was).
It is about Bilbo Baggins (he is the Hobbit) and his adventure that Gandolf has summoned him on. He is sent with 13 dwarves/elves to get their special cup back from a dragon's lair in the mountain. But of course no journey gets to go smoothly as planned. So If you like fantasy books (Blech) then you might like this one. If you don't, then stay far FAR AWAY!!

I personally did NOT like this book. I absolutely HATE most fantasy books. I like the books that make you think or books that could happen in real life. Those are my favorites. I found this book hard to finish and extremely BOR-ing. But I had to read this one for school So what's a girl to do. But I will let you decide whether you will like this one or not. This is a book that depends on who you are.


If any of you bloggers know how to show pictures on a blog please tell me how. I cant quite figure it out.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

For Your Reading Pleasure

So as most of you know I have been (on and off) reviewing movies. But my dad suggested that I start reviewing books too. So I decided to create a blog purely for your reading pleasure. I read books and finish them more often than I see movies. So why not. I might as well give it a go. I'll see you later at Book Tastic!!!