Monday, April 09, 2007

Love That Dog

Love That Dog is by Sharon Creech and is 86 pages. Love That Dog is about a boy named Jack and his writing journal. Through the pages of his journal you learn all about this boy and his teacher- because that's all the book is, his writing journal. In Jacks class they are studying poetry, and they have to make up their own poems. Jack doesn't believe that any of his poems are really good, but really his poems are very good, in his own special way. His teacher wants to put his poems on the bulletin board, Jack says as long as she doesn't put his name on them, because he is worried that other people will think that they are stupid. Through this book you learn about his school, teacher and most importantly that dog- Love that Dog!

This book is written in short lines ("Poem" style). I read this book in about 15 minutes- given that is meant for younger kids. It was WONDERFUL! I would definitely suggest that everybody read this book. If you have young kids this would be an excellent book to read together. I love the style that Sharon Creech used in this book, and also another book that is very like it- Heartbeat. You simply cannot lose by reading these books, they leave you with a nice feeling at the end, and that is the sign of an excellent book.


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