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Thursday, June 22, 2006

I guess I could Wait.........

So basically, I have been waiting and waiting to hear word on the 4th Sisterhood book. One would think sense the books are about the summer- that it would come out during the summer! One would think if you thought like me. Sooo I have been google-ing and Amazon-ning this book for about 5 months. And my friends I have struck Gold...However here is the pull back. It is not being Released for about oh lets say 6 AND A HALF MONTHS!!! I almost fainted dead away when I heard the news. But then Amazon didn't show the cover yet, so I waited another month and my friends I have majorly delivered. Here is another masterpiece of Literature that you cannot miss. Except for you have to wait until stinkin January. But induldge your eyes on this.

The release date is January 9th, 2007. I think they should do one of those big Barnes and Noble Celebrations like they do for Harry Potter... Man I would dig that.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Its Accountablility Time!!

Ok Bloggers, lets see how your reading stacked up compared to mine.

Keeping the Moon-240
Practicing The Presence of God-110
Becoming Naomi Leon-246
The Truth about forever -384
Dont Think Twice- 224
Someone Like you- 288

That my friends comes to a whopping total of 1492 pages for the summer. And I think the is pretty darn good ifi do say so myself!!

Keeping the Moon

Keeping the Moon is by once again Sarah Dessen and is 240 pages long. It is about a girl named Nicole "Colie" Sparks. Before her mother became a weight loss powerhouse and famous spokes woman "Kiki Sparks" Colie and her mom traveled the country and were overweight and lived in and out of gas stations and hotels. But Colies mom finally settled down and started to take aerobics classes and eventually starts her own and now she has to own line of Kiki Products. Even Colie shed 45 pounds and is skinny, but she doesn't seem to have self confidence. Colies mother is going to Europe and is making Colie go and stay with her aunt Mira. She isn't very happy about this but she really doesn't have a choice. While she is their she realizes that Mira is a little eccentric and is overweight and really doesn't care what the other people in the town think of her. She also meets this boy named Norman who loves to collect sunglasses and loves to draw. He lives in Miras basement. Mira gives Colie money to go down to the Last Chance Restaraunt and when she is their she meets best friends Isabelle and Morgan. While she is their Norman offers her a job and she accepts it. While she is working their she makes friends with Morgan and Isabelle. She finds out what girl time really means because she has never had friends and nobody likes her back home where she lives. But one time she encounters a girl from her old school who starts to make fun of her again. Isabelle tells her to stand up for herself. She meets this boy and Norman gets upset because he really likes her. So Colie starts to realize that Norman is really sweet and she goes out with him. She finds out what Keeping the Moon is and how Morgan and Isabelle can go through some really rocky times... Especially with Morgans Fiance Mark.

I LOVED this book. I think that this can be said for almost all of Sarah Dessens novels. This one is a winner and I found myself laughing out loud the whole time. It is a great book on what finding yourself really means and how you shouldn't let others judge you and that they should an you should accept people for who they are not for what they look like. I think all girls from 14 and up would love this book and I think that you should go pick up a copy of this today!!

The Practice of the Presence of God with spiritual Maxims

The Practice of the Presence of God and Spiritual Maxims by Brother Lawrence is 110 pages.( however the print is fairly tiny so don't beat yourself up if you think you are reading it too slow!) This book is about a man by the name of Brother Lawrence who finds pleasure of the simplest things by finishing the presence of God in whatever he does. The book has letters which he has written to several people explaining how to find the presence of God and how he finds him in everything, including Sickness and how to take joys in everything. He tells you how you can attain the ability to find God in everyday things, through Meditation and prayer. He even instructs you how to pray sometimes!

This book is very good if you wish to find out how to find God in everyday life. It inspires you to become like Brother Lawrence and to glorify God in all that you do. And it is an inspiring story of a man that many have come to love and to Cherish! I would recommend it. Although if you do no like repetitive things then don't read it. But I think that everybody could benefit from a inspiring book like this. The world would be a lot peaceful I think if everybody would just take the time to read this book and fill your should with something good.

Becoming Naomi Leon

Becoming Naomi Leon is 246 pages long and is by

Pam Munoz Ryan. This book is about a little girl named Naomi and her little brother Owen. They live in a trailer park in a trailer that they call Baby beluga with their great Grandma ( she's only 69). Their mother left them with her. Their dad lives somewhere in Mexico and they have never met him in their whole life. Naomi and Owen live very simple lives, Naomi and Owens grandma makes their clothes or buys them at Second hand stores. Her brother Owen has some disformaties in his leg and her likes to wear tape around his shirts for comfort. Like a baby blanket or something... Instead he uses tape. Naomi is also a very apprehensive little girl. She finds comfort in making lists and is amazing at making soap carvings and she doesn't have very many friends. Her mother comes back to visit them for the first time and is a major disappointment for the kids. She buys Naomi things but not Owen and she calls Owen a cripple right to his face. She never buys Owen anything and she threatens the kids. She even hit Naomi. They become scared and she threatens to take the kids away. So they ran off to Mexico in search of their father so that he could write a not to give to the judge a the custody hearing. They find him at the Carving festival and the kids get to know their father. How does the court hearing go you might ask? Well that my dear readers is what you are going to have to find out for yourself!

I enjoyed this book but sound the plot to be very simple. It is quite predictable but a good read if you are looking for something to read. It is one of those books that you are able to put down but will want to go back and see what happens. I suggest this book for 10 and up. Its a good book for boys and for girls. And I should say it wouldn't harm you to read it, and it wouldn't harm you if you didn't. Its a good story on how friendships and love a family has for each other can overrule any material thing on this earth.


The Truth About Forever

The Truth About Forever is by Sarah Dessen, and is in 384 pages long. The Truth About Forever is about a 16 year old girl named Macy Queen who is 16 years old and used to love to run... That is until her father passed away while they were on a run. So after that she quit running and her mother started on an organizing rampage and threw out a lot of her fathers things. But Macy managed to salvage a box full of the things her father always bought from the T.V. Commercials. And they kept on coming. Every time they came Macy snuck them up to her room and stuffed them in her closet. Macys mom is a workalholic and never spent anytime grieving, along with Macy, instead they stuff their feeling inside, unlike her sister. Macy has a brainy Boy Friend that is way to strict. He asked her to work at the Library Information Desk. Macy hates that job. She comes across the Wish Catering Business while they are catering for her mothers party. She goes in the back and starts to help them. She learns that the catering business is very busy and crazy. But she loves the craziness. The owner a very Pregnant Delia offers Macy a job working with her Bert, Monica, Kristy, and the soon to be sweetheart Wes. When Wes and Macy get stranded on a road they begin to talk. Macy teaches Wes how to play Truth ( like truth or dare). Macy takes up the offer and Joins the Wish company despite her mothers pleas for the unwanted and weird friends that Macy gets. For once in Macys life she feels like she belongs. Her boyfriend Jason also tells her that he wants to go on a break from being together after she told her that she loved him on one of their emails. So her and Wes Start getting closer. Kristy and Monica take Macy under their wings and teach her what life is all about. She learns lessons about the real meaning about the truth about forever from Delia and her very special friend Wes.

A masterpiece and 4 course meal for your soul! I loved this book it is a masterpiece of literature from the awesome author Sarah Dessen Once again! This is a great book about friendship love and how to learn about yourself. This book had so much going on that if I told you everything this post would be 3 pages long. Therefore you really should go and read this book . I highly suggest it. Espessicaly if you are 14 and up!After you read this book you will truly know what the Truth About Forever Really is !!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Reading Challenge

Well for all you people who read my blog, I have a challenge for you. And If you wish Spread the word I think this will be pretty fun. Because the summer time days are long and sometimes boring- here is something for you to do. It is a reading challenge. Every week I will make a post and you can either list the names of the books and pages, briefly state Worth reading or not worth reading or just the amount of pages. Just to see who reads the most pages and to discover or rediscover some really fantastic reads. So what do you say... You In? Spread the word, this could be fun.!


Sunday, June 04, 2006

Someone Like You

Someone Like You is written by Sarah Dessen and is 288 pages. This book is about 2 best friends Halley and Scarlett. Halley and Scarlett have been best friends for about 5 years and they live right across the street. This summer they got a job at the local grocery store Miltons. While working at Miltons they noticed that a boy that went to their school Michael worked in produce. He always went through Scarletts line and bought 3 Kiwis for lunch. Scarlett and Michael atarted hanging out and they became a couple. During the summer Halleys over protective mother who is also a therapist other signed her up for a 2 week summer camp. During camp she got a phone call from Scarlett telling her that Michael died in a car crash, so Halley got to come home early. Scarletts Mother Marion is like Scarletts child, so that just shows how much responsibility she has. But one day Scarlett has some big news to tell Halley, she is Pregnant and the father is now dead. Scarletts mother freaks out and tells her she has to get an abortion. During all this time Halley has found a boy she likes and he is getting her is a lot of trouble but Halley doesn't care because she loves him. Macon helps Halley and Scarlett get around town and helps Halley skip school and gets her in a ton of trouble with her parents. Scarlett decides to keep the baby and her mom starts dating this crazy medieval man. But through thick and thin they learn that friendship is the most important thing that is keeping them together. And let me tell you their friendship has been put to the test and they pass with flying colors.

I LOVE LOVE LOVED this book. I picked it up and I couldn't stop reading it, no joke. I read it in a whole afternoon, of nonstop reading of course. And I loved every minute of it. The book is nonstop and jam packet full of twists and turns. Sarah Dessen has beautifully crafted this book and turned it into a masterpiece of literature. I tell you, you will love this book and wish that their was a sequel which, I hope their will be. It is a true story of friendship and how to treat others. And believe me this book is so good you will go back to the bookstore ( or the library Susan) and buy (or check out) another book by Sarah Dessen. I Suggest you read it NOW, come on don't give up the chance to read a good book.

Don't Think Twice

Don't Think Twice is by Ruth Pennebaker and is 224 pages long. It is about a young teenager, Anne (17) and is everything her sister is not, she is very bright, gets great grades and does everything she is supposed to do. Her sister on the other hand gets all the boys goes on several dates a week and isn't bright at all. Her mom suffers from depression and her dad is the person that holds the family together. But when Anne finally gets a boyfriend she thinks she is happy, but he turns out to be what he seemed to be. When Anne tells her parents that she is pregnant her dad flips and turns cold shoulder. But her mom seemed to get satisfaction, not that she is pregnant but that she is suffering like she did. They sent her to an unwed soon-to-be-mothers home. At that home she meets people from all ages and all walks of life. Determined not to make any friends here she doesn't talk to much people and wants to get out of the home as soon of as possible. But she ends up making some friends through her pregnancy. Most of the girls (if not all) plan on putting their kids up for adoption. Anne is going to but she is determined to see her baby after she has it. Sense this book is set in the 60's they don't know what they are going out have until they have it and you usually cant see your baby if you are putting it up for adoption. This book follows her whole pregnancy and shows her quirky emotions and thoughts towards her family.

This book is a pretty good book. I say only "Pretty Good" because it was one that I could set down and pick up at any time. And the story line wasn't much of a story line but still good. It is filled with her days at the home, so you learn not only Annes story but everybody else from Gracie a 13 year old girl to Nancy and Rachel loud mouths who drive everybody crazy. I would say read it if you are interested in it, but I would not recommend this book to kids. I would say only teens 14 and up. Because some of the situations might be a little graphic. I would give it it 6 out of 7 stars and i think everyone could get something out of it. I liked it dont take me wrong. Its just depends on who you are for this book folks.