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Monday, April 09, 2007


Cut is by Patricia McCormick and is 168 pages. This book is about a 15 year old girl named Callie and her 'disorder'. Callie cuts herself. She is sent to a place called Sea Pines, which Callies roommate Sydney nicknames 'Sick Minds'. That's not the only thing that Sydney gives nicknames to- she nicknamed Callie S.T. for Silent Treatment, because that's exactly what Callie does. Callie doesn't talk. In Sea Pines there are many different kinds of girls with many different kinds of problems. In Sea Pines you have a group that you eat with, do your T.V. time with, EVERYTHING except your personal therapy time. In Callies group is Debbie an overweight girl obsessed with food, Becca and Tara anorexic girls, Sydney and Tiffany Druggies and then there's Callie, the cutter. Through her therapy sessions you learn about Callies life- how she gets along with her mom who is too busy with her brother Sam. During her therapy sessions you learn about the traumatic event that changed Callies life. Through the book you get to see the highs and lows of the group and how their relationships change through the book.

Ok, your probably thinking, why on earth would you read about a girl with a Cutting problem, let alone a book that takes place in a treatment center. But its so much more than that. Its the story of Callie that draws you to want to read and wanting more. The way she communicates through the other girls, in her own way trying to control what little she has left at Sea Pines. Its an awesome book, but I would recommend it to 12 and up on this one. This book is a must read! It lets you into a world not like your own, you get to see what many people go through. But the ending of the book cannot be beat. It makes the book all worth reading, the icing on the cake.

Love That Dog

Love That Dog is by Sharon Creech and is 86 pages. Love That Dog is about a boy named Jack and his writing journal. Through the pages of his journal you learn all about this boy and his teacher- because that's all the book is, his writing journal. In Jacks class they are studying poetry, and they have to make up their own poems. Jack doesn't believe that any of his poems are really good, but really his poems are very good, in his own special way. His teacher wants to put his poems on the bulletin board, Jack says as long as she doesn't put his name on them, because he is worried that other people will think that they are stupid. Through this book you learn about his school, teacher and most importantly that dog- Love that Dog!

This book is written in short lines ("Poem" style). I read this book in about 15 minutes- given that is meant for younger kids. It was WONDERFUL! I would definitely suggest that everybody read this book. If you have young kids this would be an excellent book to read together. I love the style that Sharon Creech used in this book, and also another book that is very like it- Heartbeat. You simply cannot lose by reading these books, they leave you with a nice feeling at the end, and that is the sign of an excellent book.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

New Beginning

Sorry for my very extremely delinquent blogging. I have been way cought up in school, and never gave my book blog a second glance. To kick of the new beginning comes a face lift! I added a special flair that hopefully is pleasing to the eye :) ( thanks mom!)

As for blogging- hopefuly I will give you one reveiw a week to start. And who knows maybe youll get two if youre lucky. For now, just know I am not dead but alive and reading. See you next time!