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Monday, August 21, 2006

Enders Game

Enders Game is written by Orson Scott Cars and is 384 pages. It is about a boy named Andrew Wiggen, but they call him Ender. And Ender has a really nasty mean brother, Peter, who wishes that he was Ender. You see Ender is a third child, and he had his monitor longer than any of the children. Kids had monitors so people could monitor what was going on, and to see if they were right for the army to fight off the buggers. Only a select few were sent to battle school. But when Ender got his monitor taken away, he was recruited because he fought off big bullies all by himself. So he went to battle school. He was one of the youngest boys there. But he fought like he had been there forever, he quickly became a toon leader and he even got promoted to commander of the Dragon Army. The retired the Dragon army because of it loosing streak, they gave Ender all of the younger boys for his army, but he had them trained in no time. You see, the battle school normally only gave you a battle every week, they were giving Ender armies to fight EVERY day. Sometimes even TWICE a day, just to see if they could break him, they but Ender kept winning, he never lost a battle ever. But then they started giving Ender battles that were unfair advantage to the others, like teaming 2 armies against him, and giving the other army the ability to let people come back to life after they were frozen. But still, Ender would win. This made the other leaders mad, and one even went to kill Ender, little did they know Ender could take them out. They noticed Ender was getting broken, but he was prime to go to Commanders school. He went their over three years early. He came back to earth for a visit, and the people who needed Ender the most, got Valentine his sister, to convince him that he could beat the buggers.

Now while Ender was in battle school, Peter and Valentine themselves were getting pretty well known on the nets. They retended to be people in great political power and were giving advice, so that they could eventually have Peter take over the world, now remember Peter and Valentine were only 12 and 9 during this time.

But Ender went to command school, and he was trained by one of the greatest bugger hero's of all time. But the end, is what really makes this book, and the ending is so shocking that I didn't even see it coming. So now its time for me too say- its up to you to see what happens next.

Enders Game was assigned to me to read for English, so I was basically forced to read this book. But I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with how good the book was. It was better than any of the other assigned books that I was given to read although still not my favorite. If you like sci-fi and books like that with an outer space setting then I think you would love this book. Although I would recommend this book to people over 15 with some of the content in this book. So this books is not for everyone, so choose wisely. You see you have a choice weather to read it or not, I didn't. But I still found it bearable to read, and I was able to pick it up and read.

Monday, August 14, 2006

My Poor Glasses

Alright so I figure you deserve a post, no I haven't finished any books yet, I have been at summer camps and traveling the globe all summer. But I thought you'd like to hear this story.

My family and I were staying at this hotel in Anchorage Alaska. I wanted to take a shower really bad sense we were going to be at the airport the next night. So I went to put my glasses down in the bathroom and the sink wasn't inside, I didn't want to put my glasses on the floor because I didn't want to step on them. The only other place to put them was on the back of the toilet. I wne t to put the cover down and their was no cover, so I got into the shower. I cam out and got dressed and I flushed the toilet. I walked out of the bathroom and I realized I wasn't wearing my glasses. Now if you know me you know I am blind without them. So we looked and looked, I knew I had them in the bathroom, so me and my sister stuck our hands don and tried to see if we could get them. So the next morning we had a maintence guy come in the room because the toilet was now clogged. So he stuck a snake down in their and he pulled out half of my poor glasses broken in half with no lenses.

Now I have NEVER flushed anything down the toilet that didn't belong in their. But man I need my glasses to see! So I am walking around like a blind old bat, and when I get home on Tuesday, we are going to try to get me some contacts and some glasses.

Just in time for school pictures Hawaii.

Now this is the best piece of advice that you will EVER get. Don't flush your glasses down the toilet, the WILL break.